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Tier 4 Residential Treatment referrals, including Pre & Post treatment plans

Psychotherapy Session

St Dominic’s CRP will support you with the referral process to Residential Detox / Rehabilitation Treatment Services and supply you with all the information you need to choose the treatment service to best meet your needs. We will make referrals to Rehabilitation services on behalf of service users who are engaged with our service and who can provide consistent urinalysis samples. We will also support service users engaged with our service to meet the criteria for Residential Detox Treatment services and make the referral on their behalf.

We will put in place with agreement with the service user a treatment plan which will include education about the Detox / Rehabilitation of choice and identify and set goals around obstacles such as life skills, money management and continuum of care.

Contact Details

St. Dominic's Contact Centre, Dominics Road, Tallaght

D24 PXE8

01 46 20 624

01 414 8632

083 337 71 29

Contact Form

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